Visualize The Greenhouse Effect Of The Atmosphere
- Use an interactive simulation to explore the role of different greenhouse gases and their atmospheric concentrations in causing the greenhouse effect.
- Direct your students to adjust the values of parameters and note down the respective output which can be used for further analysis.
- This resource is available in several languages including English, French, German, and Spanish.
Extend your understanding of the topic using an interactive simulation
- Use the interactive PhET simulation, ‘The Greenhouse Effect’ by University of Colorado, Boulder, to visualize the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere.
- Explore how certain gases in the atmosphere absorb outgoing terrestrial radiation and re-radiate the energy back to Earth’s surface.Emphasize that this is the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere and increased concentration of these gases causes warming of the Earth’s surface.Instruct your students to explore different scenarios such as ‘Ice Age’, ‘1750’ (pre-Industrial Age) and ‘Today’ to visualize the effect of corresponding concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases on observed temperatures.
- Try to adjust the concentration of different greenhouse gases and to note the corresponding surface temperatures of the planet.
- You may also use the ‘Photon Absorption’ tab in the simulation to visualize the interaction of infrared radiation with different greenhouse gas molecules.
- This resource is available in several languages including English, French, German, and Spanish.
Gases contributing to the greenhouse effect
PHet Simulations developed by University of Colorado Boulder, USA