Relationship between Hadley Cell and Earth's Climate System
- Explore the topic in a more engaging matter by conducting the following classroom/laboratory activity.
- Help your students to analyze and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model.
- Use the classroom/laboratory activity "Hadley Circulation using NASA MERRA Reanalysis Model" to analyze and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model to understand the actual impact of the Hadley Cell on Earth's climate system (e.g., geographical distribution of deserts, global precipitation patterns, trade winds).
- Try to visualize 30-year-average data on winds and their vertical velocity to understand the Hadley circulation and its influence on regional climates.
- The activity file and the Lab Instructions are available as downloadable file.
Atmospheric Circulation Cells
Stephen Po-Chedley and Chris Terai, Atmospheric Sciences (2012) for the UW in the High School Climate Science Course; Program on Climate Change, University of Washington