Investigate mountains and their role in climate
- Play the video lecture to develop the topic of mountains further by describing their role in climate.
- This video explains how global climatic factors affect mountain climate and how mountains in turn, influence the local climate.
- Use a video lecture, "Global Climate Drivers" by Coursera to get introduced to the role of mountains in global climatic conditions.
- With the help of this video, first, explore various global climate drivers such as the Hadley Cells and the Coriolis Force that can cause imbalances in temperature, wind and precipitation on the Earth's surface.
Hadley Cells
- Then using the lecture and the quoted examples, extend your understanding about how factors such as latitude, elevation and continentality of mountains influence the climate of different regions across the globe.
- Discuss how these factors affect mountain climate and in turn, how regional or local climates are affected by mountain belts.
Global TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model
Part of the course 'Mountains 101', offered by University of Alberta, hosted by Coursera