Water Vepur feedback and Planetary Atmosphere
- Use a video micro-lecture and an associated reading that describe the phase diagrams of water on Earth, Mars, and Venus. They also discuss the water vapor feedback mechanism in the atmospheres of these planets and the role of this mechanism in the greenhouse effect.
- Further, use these resources that explain why the climate of Earth is habitable while that of Mars and Venus is not.
- Play the video micro-lecture "Water Vapor Feedback" by Prof. David Archer, the University of Chicago, that explains the stable phases of water at various temperatures on Earth.
- It also explains the concept of water vapor feedback and the greenhouse effect of water vapor on Earth's atmosphere by using the phase diagram of water.
- Further, compare the effect of water vapor feedback on the atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and Venus. Discuss how the water cycle ensures that Earth has a climate that is more suitable to support life.
Greenhouse Effect on Earth
- Explore the runaway greenhouse effect of water vapor on Venus that makes it uninhabitable.
- Use the associated reading material "Chapter 7: Feedbacks" from Prof. David Archer's book, 'Global warming- Understanding the Forecast', to understand feedback mechanisms, water vapor feedback, and the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus in greater detail (pg. 127-131).
- The phase diagram of water (Figure 7.2) is on pg. 144 of this reading.
Reading, Chapter 7, "Feedbacks", pg. 129-131, pg. 144 from the book "Global Warming- Understanding the Forecast", 2nd Ed.David Archer, University of Chicago