Thermodynamic processes in a gaseous system

  • Use an interactive simulation to explain thermodynamic processes in a gaseous system. This tool is available in several languages.
  • Use the video micro-lecture, 'Thermodynamics and P-V Diagrams' by Paul Andersen, Bozeman Science as a guide for design and analysis of your customized classroom activity to explain thermodynamic processes involved in this simulation.
  • Use the interactive PhET simulation, 'Gas Properties' to explore the different state variables for a given gaseous system. This tool is available in several languages.
  • Try to use the simulation to create scenarios for different thermodynamic processes ie. Isothermic, isobaric, isovolumetric or adiabatic.
  • Image: A thermodynamic diagram showing the stability of the atmosphere based on the dry (Γd = 9.8 K km-1) and moist (Γm = 4.5 K km-1) adiabatic lapse rates (Created by Britt Seifert).

Use the video micro-lecture, 'Thermodynamics and P-V Diagrams' as a guide for design and analysis of your customized classroom activity to explore thermodynamic processes involved in this simulation.


Simulation by PhET, University of Colorado Boulder; Video by Paul Andersen, Bozeman Science
