Reading and Classroom activity
- Use an article on global warming induced melting of Himalayan glaciers that can be used as a sample text to peruse for identification of the different verb forms.
- Give your students handouts of the article and ask them to read it in pairs. Instruct them to highlight the verbs in the text and identify their tenses.
- An answer key for this text can be accessed here.
- Use the reading, ‘Himalayan glaciers melting at alarming rate, spy satellites show’, by Stephen Leahy, National Geographic, to apply your learning of tenses and their sub-types by examining this sample text and identifying them, as a classroom or self-learning activity.
- You can use the handouts of the article and read it in pairs, if possible. Try to highlight the verbs in the text and identify their tenses.
- After the acivity, you can check your answers with the help of an answer key for this sample text, available here.
Changri Nup Glacier in Nepal, much of it is covered by rocky debris. The peak of Mt. Everest is in the background at left.
Written by Stephen Leahy, published on National Geographic; Image by Josh Maurer/LDEO, National Geographic