Topic introduction and discussion using reading
Here is a step-by-step guide to using this lesson plan in the classroom/laboratory. We have suggested these steps as a possible plan of action. You may customize the lesson plan according to your preferences and requirements. The resources suggested are:
- A brief introduction of Per Espen Stoknes, the speaker of the TED talk, ‘How to Transform Apocalyptic Fatigue into Action on Global Warming’, which is the primary spoken text used as teaching material for note making and summary writing in this lesson plan.
- reading to introduce note making, and how it can be done for a spoken text.
- reading to explain how a summary can be written from notes.
Begin with the following questions to understand the context and content of the talk to be examined.
- What do you understand by climate change?
- What kind of news or stories do you encounter regarding climate change?
- As an individual, if you wish to convince someone of your point of view, what strategies do you employ?
The talk uder discussion pertains to climate change communication, and rhetorical or persuasive strategies in communication will also be discussed.
Next, use the brief account, ‘Per Espen Stoknes’ by that introduces the speaker whose TED talk, ‘How to Transform Apocalyptic Fatigue into Action on Global Warming’, will be studied for note making and summary writing. Stoknes is a psychologist and an economist, and a member of the Green Party in Norway. He is the author of the book, ‘What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming’ (2015).
Now, use the resource, ‘Note making’ by University of Leeds, to introduce your students to the concept of note making. Begin with an explanation of what note making is, and how to do it for a spoken text. Notes are not complete sentences, but key words linked together so that the outline can retrospectively give the note maker a good sense of the entire talk.
- To prepare notes from a talk, you will have to listen carefully to the talk being examined; identify key terms, and the order of ideas; and note them in an abbreviated manner.
- Finally, use the tool, ‘How to Write a Summary’ by Lumen Learning, that introduces the topic of summary writing. It explains what a summary is- it is a paragraphed text that recapitulates, in one’s own words, the main points and illustrative examples of the original text. You are supposed to capture what the original text says in the summarizer’s own words but without commentary or opinion.
- The summary should include the title of the talk, the speaker’s name, and the topic, along with the key points, critical arguments, and illustrative examples. It should answer questions such as the what, why, and how of the text. Use the enumerated points in the text to further explain the salient features of a summary and discuss the format in which a summary is written.
Per Espen Stoknes (Psychologist and Economist)
Reading 3 'How to Write a Summary'